Monday, April 16, 2007


In Lisa Nakamura’s article on the identity of an individual online is called “Cyber types”. She discusses way race is discussed online due to the anonymity of the Internet. She shows how some people believed that the Internet would be a “utopia” because there would be no physical evidence of race or gender. Responding to this she says that we can never get rid of gender and race despite the Internet’s anonymity. She shows how race is shown online through advertisements. These advertisements are put on sites according to the target audience. These audiences are then advertised to by attracting them due to the individual’s race, gender, and ethnicity.
These advertisements embody different characteristics based on the stereotypes of a certain group. These stereotypes promote race in every facet of or life, and not being able to see an individual did not stop race, gender, and ethnicity from crossing over to the Internet. Media has a large part of stereotypes that are embodied in television, advertising, and motion pictures and can now be seen in the Internet. On sites that display rap albums or music have advertisements are shown directed towards an African-American audience due to stereotypes that mainly blacks listen to rap. This is done likewise on other sites.
Corporations will always advertise their products in a medium that their target audience will likely view. This is something that corporations will use stereotypes to accomplish. At this point there will never be a day we live with out race affecting us, and to think that this would not involve the Internet is absurd. Until we eliminate racism, sexism, and other means of discrimination from our society we will never be able to erase race from our culture. While this is present we will always see stereotypes in our means of communication.
So is advertising the only way race is present online? Anonymity creates a situation in which the user conveys who they are through themselves. Race can be inferred however through talking to someone online. As long as the individual is not out to deceive others you can pick up clues about the person through a variety of ways. These ways include the screen name of an individual or the way the type. The words used can show the ethnicity, race, or gender of an individual through certain dialect and dialogue.

Why Everyone Should Hate Abercrombie and Fitch

In the article “Why I Hate Abercrombie and Fitch” Dwight McBride discusses why the store Abercrombie and Fitch markets to white homosexual men. He does this by first by examining the history of the company. The store began as an outdoor clothing company focused towards white males in higher classes. The outdoor lifestyle was one that mainly upper class white men could afford to partake in. This lead to today’s age’s attitude held by Abercrombie and Fitch and can be seen in their “Look Book” in which only two African-Americans are pictured. Furthermore, Abercrombie and Fitch advertise to homosexual white males through their hiring and employment opportunities.
Like the models, employees are almost entirely white and display what McBride calls the “A&F Look”. This look consists of a good-looking male, clean-shaven, and white, which the company is now pending lawsuits because of. This style of looking perfect accented by Abercrombie and Fitch clothing and demonstrates white privilege. This has become adapted by white homosexual men, who wish to classify themselves in this privilege group, in order to avoid being seen underprivileged. Being homosexual classifies these men in a category that makes some people view them in an in superior view.
Abercrombie and Fitch’s requirements for employment are wrong and unjustified. When an individual goes to apply for a position at a business they should be given the same opportunity to acquire the job. It does not surprise me that these actions have brought on lawsuits. What does surprise me is that these actions have not been called out long ago. I have often noticed the similarities between employees at Abercrombie and Fitch but didn’t know why the problem was there. Abercrombie and Fitch deliberately hires those according to the gender, race, and how attractive an individual is.
So why do homosexual men feel the need to attach themselves to an organization that discriminates against other races, if someone is attractive, and what gender someone is? The reason homosexual men cling to this mentality in order to avoid being underprivileged themselves. Being gay in America is hard and comes with many prejudices from those considering themselves privileged in our society. Homosexuals use the label of Abercrombie and Fitch in order to cancel out their underprivileged. This is a hypocritical action because they are using discrimination to make people forget about the discrimination they themselves encounter. Though discriminating against homosexuals is wrong, when they do the same to others it is just as wrong. This is an inappropriate action on these individuals and the company that exploits them.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Erasing Race

Beth E. Kolko’s chapter entitled “Erasing @race: Going White in the (Inter) Face" discusses the effect the Internet is having on race and identity. When online an individual is given something that doesn’t occur in regular society, complete anonymity. The only information others online have on you is what you give them. Many sites allow a user to pick a screen name along with filling out some information about them. Rarely however, do these sites ask an individual to enter their race. These sites request information on your age, hobbies, interests, and gender but the topic of race is not asked.
Race is something society puts a great of emphasis on and is a touchy subject, which may be why these sites leave the question out. This essay points out that leaving race out of the online community is a negative thing. Race is a part of our identity and is something an individual should acknowledge and be proud of, not ignored. There are online ventures that include race such as some role playing games in which a user picks a character to use. These characters have different abilities and talents and if someone wishes to be their race they must use those characteristics.
A person’s race is part of their culture and heritage and is not something that should be ignored. It should embrace no matter what background an individual comes from. Some online users use their anonymity to harm other races in prejudice websites but the solution is not to ignore the fact that we have differences, but to accept each other’s cultures and each other. The subject of race is touchy and people are often overly careful not to offend each other when we should be acknowledging but respecting differences.
So why do sites leave out the question of race? Race can be seen immediately in the real world upon meeting someone, so why not online? Makers of sites who ask questions, which should include race, may not include the question so not to offend others. The subject of race has become such a touchy subject that many people claim ‘not to see race”. Ignoring the differences between us is not right. We are different and those differences are what make us unique. Our individuality separates us from the crowd and people who ridicule others for their race creates a problem in society that can be corrected with acceptance.

Monday, April 2, 2007


In Tara McPherson’s chapter entitled I’ll Take My Stand in Dixie-Net: White Guys, the South, and Cyberspace she discusses a specific online group called Neo-Confederates. Neo-Confederates are a group of people who still cling to the vision of the South before the rebels where defeated in the civil war. They believe the South should succeed from the United States and that the white man should be superior to minorities, particularly blacks. These communities are decorated with Confederate flags and have manifesto statements about what the group wishes to accomplish. These people believe white Southerners should form their own country where they can live amongst only whites.
Neo-Confederates believe in bringing back and preserving Southern heritage. Web pages talk about how these Southerners can reclaim their history. Neo-Confederates pride themselves on being white, masculine males that resemble old Southern leaders like Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. These men where heroes to Southern men during the Civil War, and in many cases are still heroes to the South. Many of these communities separate themselves from the racism involved with Southern Confederates by putting anti-Klan logos on their web pages. Though many of these groups put this appearance on their web page, their all white members often believe in the separation of races.
I think it is a disgrace that people in this country feel the need to cling to a time period where racism and slavery started a war amongst a country. To think that people in this day in age are still bitter about the freedom of human beings hundreds of years ago. Sites like this set out to gain members and intimidate those of different color that may come across their website. They may post anti-Klan logos on their sites, but their focus on an all white male membership clearly shows the presence of racism, something that should have been stopped long ago.
So, are Neo-Confederates racist or just focused on keeping their Southern Heritage? The answer is both. In keeping their Southern Heritage they are keeping the racism and oppression that started the Civil War so long ago. This is a group of people that idolizes men that waged war on our country to oppress African Americans. This is a group of people that is made up entirely white members who are male. This is a group of people who believe that they are the dominant race and that they should be separated from the others. If all this is true how can this group possibly considered being without racism.