Monday, February 12, 2007


When white Europeans began to encounter black Africans they did not know what to think of these people. Their conclusion was a dangerous one because it would prove to be the reasoning for those who wished to enslave Africans. They called Africans “dark and deadly” and where savage and inferior to the “civilized” whites of Europe deemed. Africans were seen as animals, not the humans that they were, and where compared to primates, and because blacks weren’t seen as human their enslavement was generally accepted.
This all started with the selling of twenty African men who were taken to the New World. Blacks weren’t the only ones shipped over to the New World to be forced into servitude. The whites who were outcasts in Europe who have committed crimes or just been exiled by the community were shipped to work in servitude. There was a huge difference in how whites in servitude and blacks were treated. Blacks were forced to work until their death with no money. Though whites were not given money for their service, they weren’t forced to work forever. Often these people of servitude came together to form inter racial relationships, something not accepted by society. Many people were jailed or even beaten if
taking place in these relationships.
The first signs of a rascism that still exists today came because a culture was mis understodd as lessers than Whites. Blacks were treated like animals as well as sold that way. This kind of treatment is unexcusable and if the actions of these ignorant men had not happened our world could be extremely different today. Blacks and whites would live togethor without one feeling superior to the other and with mutual respect.
It shocked me to learn that whites wer put into servitude as well as blacks. By taking what the Europeans thought to be the trash of their society they added insult to injury for both these Blacks and Whites that were enslaved. It bothers me that even two races who were enslaved had racial biased with them. The punishments for disobeying orders or interracial relationships were much harder on blacks. On top of that whites had the possibility to get out of their servitude while blacks were enslavd until they ran away or died.

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